Flamingo Reel (The Modern Zoo)
Personal Project, 2022
With creating 3D animations comes the issue of balancing the quality of details and the performance of the machine rendering them. As such, I created this reel to study techniques for budgeting detail without sacrificing any quality.
My greatest asset in budgeting was the camera's forced perspective. Having objects stay farther away from the camera meant that the quality in their models didn't need to be as high or complex. For example, I put together a material for the buildings (right) that creates a realistic facade without the need for a mesh more complex than a box.
Example Building
Example Building
Example Material
Example Material
Solid previw of scene
Solid previw of scene
Specific placement and scale of props gives the illusion of depth to the scene
Specific placement and scale of props gives the illusion of depth to the scene
Volumetric fog added to imply height
Volumetric fog added to imply height
Solid preview of buildings with backgroud image
Solid preview of buildings with backgroud image
Because of everything going on infront of it, its hard to notice the sky and rest of the city are one static image.
Because of everything going on infront of it, its hard to notice the sky and rest of the city are one static image.