Virtual Reality Gallery
Internship Project, 2022
As part of the exit-project for our internship with Flakeb00k, my fellow interns and I designed a point-and-click VR Gallery. Each designer submitted there own exhibition rooms to showcase their works and expand our genre blending maze of art and design.

"The Uncanny"

4000 x 2000 pixels, Projected

"In Passing"

4000 x 2000 pixels, Projected

"An Affirmation"

4000 x 2000 pixels, Projected

Post Process Projecting
To create the exhibits in a virtual space, we used images known as equirectangular projections. These images are distorted in a way that they look normal when projected onto a sphere, allowing them to be viewed in full 360° panoramic view. While gathering these projections was simple, adding props and distorting them to match the image was too laborious. So, I took it upon myself to learn how to create my own, from scratch, using 3D modeling software.
WIP Sketches & Points of Interest
WIP Sketches & Points of Interest
The Uncanny Equirectangular Projection
The Uncanny Equirectangular Projection
An Affirmation Equirectangular Projection
An Affirmation Equirectangular Projection
In Passing Equirectangular Projection
In Passing Equirectangular Projection